TrueToForm partners with VARYFORM, a luxury womenswear brand, to digitise the made-to-measure industry

TrueToForm is excited to announce its new partnership with VARYFORM, a luxury womenswear brand based in Chicago. This woman-founded apparel company specialises in made-to-order & made-to-measure garments by harnessing the innovative capabilities of 3D technology.

In search of innovative ways to expand their made-to-measure business, VARYFORM got connected with TrueToForm (TTF) through the Apparel Industry Board Inc. (AIBI) network in Chicago. VARYFORM is using the TTF 3D body scanning app to allow its customers to efficiently scan their body measurements from the comfort of their own homes. Once scanned, the body data is encrypted and securely shared with VARYFORM via the TrueToForm platform. The measurements can then be viewed and exported as a digital avatar for use in existing 3D design platform.

3D Body Measurement App; 3D body measurement online; body measurement API; 3D body Scanner Clothing App
TrueToForm’s dashboard of custom, digital avatars that enable personalised fit

This technology enables VARYFORM to better serve its client base as their made-to-measure services are no longer limited by one’s geographical location. More customers can choose the service without having to travel back and forth from the studio; “This has really cut down on design revisions and helped our client reduce time spent travelling for fittings," says VARYFORM’s founder, Masha DeHaan. By using this 3D scanning app, this luxury womenswear brand is another step closer to achieving its goals in sustainable fashion and reducing waste in the industry. VF will import these body measurements into a 3D design platform and adjust new or existing patterns to fit each customer’s personal avatar, without ever having to make a physical sample or alteration. 

3D Body Measurement App; 3D body measurement online; body measurement API; 3D body Scanner Clothing App
3D Body Measurement App; 3D body measurement online; body measurement API; 3D body Scanner Clothing App
3D Body Measurement App; 3D body measurement online; body measurement API; 3D body Scanner Clothing App
VARYFORM’s design progression creating a personalised fit for a client based on their personal avatar.

For more information on how VARYFORM is utilising the app, read their blog post here. If you would like to find out more about how TTF can help build and benefit your business, contact us or join our beta today!

Create Your Digital Avatar For Free Using Our iOS Scan App